Monday, June 15, 2015

Sandy Living: My Bedroom

 Hey there chickadees! Im sorry for my absence last week, but I had a really long week of work and doing all kinds of errands. I also had the joy of receiving my first eye infection (which i thought was a stye for like 4 days, until my eye began to swell!) meaning yo girl couldn't wear makeup for about 5 days and got the joy of looking like she was crying all day long, and having half-eyed blurry vision. Along with that, it has been hotter than a hurricane happening in a humid forest, so I literally haven't worn makeup or worn real clothes in like a week. I haven't had to opportunity to shoot some outfits, so I do apologize for the lack of outfits, but I promise that i will have some for you soon! Boy, that was a giant mess of word vomit!!

Now onto more exciting things! I did an apartment post about a year ago when my sister and I initially moved into our other apartment, but as some of you know from mine and my mommas posts on Facebook, we moved apartments after a less tun pleasant landlord experience in our first apartment. We currently live in an amazing, safe and secure apartment building and love where we are. So with that said, here are some of the pics from my room! Sal and I got so lucky finding a place where have separate bathrooms (a god-send!) so I got to hang all the stuff I love and what makes me happy in my bathroom, as well as customize my bedroom. I see my bedroom style as european colorful, with an emphasis on French accents. When coordinating my room, we started with the carpet in the picture above, which we have had in our family since we lived in Germany before Hawaii, which my momma got at the wonderful Ikea. From there we accented with knock knacks around my room, big plush euro pillows that my momma passed down to me, and wonderful art we found at our local Ross and TJ Maxx. I got so lucky when my momma and sister helped to coordinate my room because they are interior decorator extrordinaires. I hope y'all love the peak into my room, and lookout for my next post about my closet makeover!!

Later Gators,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Reading your blog is refreshing and makes me smile. I love the pics; you always do an amazing job!
