Its official: I HAVE FLOWN THE COOP. Last week, my sister and I moved into our first apartment together; and let me tell you, its been quite the experience. The transition from being in a home where the pantry is stocked, the coffee is always made, and the streets are always quiet has been something I have had to adjust to. I have been able to be put out of my very comfortable, comfort zone, and given the opportunity to figure things out (like running to Wal-Mart at 11 pm for a plunger, my toilet is so testy!). I would be lying if I said it was a piece of cake, being that I cried the first couple of days and went through cat snuggle withdrawal, but I am so lucky to have this experience and to have it with my sister. We have had Netflix marathons, hung all our pictures of our friends on our fridge, and are able to wake up feeling safe with each other next door. Above are a few shots of what we have been able to put together in the apartment. Slowly, but surely, we are unpacking, arranging and moving everything around to make this place our home. Opening all the boxes to find things my mom stashed that are elements from my childhood (like the kitchen curtains and polish pottery dishes) brought tears to my eyes because I will always have a little piece of my home here no matter what. I was so excited to bust out all the things I have accumulated over the years (I have enough glassware to serve a small country) and am now feeling like its comfy, warm and serene. I will post more pics, once everything is up and organized!
Later Gators,